The Acne Solution

Clear Skin begins within.

We help women find the root cause of their acne in 30 days without dieting, prescriptions and excessive skincare routine.

Currently not accepting NEW clients

Get Rid of Acne
once and for all…

We help women find the root cause of their acne in 30 days without dieting, prescriptions and excessive skincare routine.


This Is Right For You If You…

Having symptoms such as acne, weight-loss resistance, anxiety, bloating, fatigue, stress, overwhelm?

These are all associated with hormonal imbalance

You are tired of guessing about your health and you are feeling stuck.

You're now looking for a
data driven approach to understand your body and a plan to know exactly what to do to heal.

You’ve gone to several traditional doctors, dermatologists and professionals and have received no personalized care.

You’re tired of feeling like you’re not being listened to and being told that you’re fine - when you DON’T feel fine.

Minerals influence hormonal imbalance, impacting your body on a cellular level leaving you with symptoms of painful acne,
inflammation, weight-loss resistance, bloating, fatigue, stress, anxiety and more!


Say Goodbye to Acne

YouTuber and Content Creator Dani Smith did this exact program to heal her acne from the root cause.

Dani came to us with concerns that her acne would clear up naturally and we showed her how POSSIBLE it is to have clear skin by addressing hormonal imbalances.


Angelina cleared her acne by addressing the root cause of her symptoms with our program - and now so can you!

Say Goodbye to
Weight Resistance

Maria Baab, our Mineral Specialist and Health Coach went through this exact program!

She balanced her hormones and released the stuck energy her body was holding onto once she knew exactly what her body needed to heal.

The same data driven protocol that was available to her - is available to you!

Don't Miss This Chance

Don't Miss This Chance

Don't Miss This Chance Don't Miss This Chance


✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit

A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

✓ The Acne Solution Guide
15 self paced Modules of lessons and resources to get started valued at $300

✓ Bonus #1 :
Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

✓  Bonus #2:  
Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce your toxic load

  • This does not include any calls with our practitioners, this can be added separately after your results arrive.

  • This is for you if you want to know what is happening to your body at the root cause and are tired of guessing what is happening with your skin.

  • This is for you if you understand that your acne is a symptom of other imbalances happening internally

  • By signing up - you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. There are no refunds available.

  • Available to US residents only!

Your Mineral Analysis Results Will Show

  • Metabolic Type

    Are you a slow or fast metabolizer? Your metabolic type is a big factor in how you feel and your energy levels. Hair Mineral Analysis can see very precisely what metabolic type you are currently which helps us understand how to help you lose weight + detox (say goodbye to acne once and for all!)

  • Carbohydrate Tolerance

    How well your body is currently handling sugar and carbohydrates plays a big role in many factors. Ensuring you are properly balancing your blood sugar levels is critical for keeping healthy and energetic.

    Blood Sugar imbalance also causes increase in stress and inflammation (hello stubborn fat + cystic acne)

  • Adrenal & Thyroid Health

    Feeling burnout? Tired? Wired but can’t sleep? Most people today have some degree of adrenal ‘fatigue’. Because the thyroid & adrenal gland work in unison often the thyroid health is also poor. Another key factor inhibiting weight loss + hair growth + skin health

  • Stages of Stress

    Are you in the exhaustion or the resistance stage of stress? A body that cannot self regulate from stress is a body that is slow to healing. This is a key factor into why your hormonal symptoms don’t seem to improve. Learn what’s causing the stress internally and ways to support external stressor as well

  • Liver/Detox Function

    Evaluation of the liver's ability to detoxify the body. This is incredibly important to support if you struggle with estrogen dominance + acne!

  • Toxic Metal Accumulation

    Toxic metal are in all of our products, food ingredients and water. These toxins act as xenoestrogen - a compound that mimics our Estrogen levels and creates hormonal havoc. Using a hair mineral analysis test is one of the best ways of taking a look at a person’s toxic metal load on the body and how it can be contributing to acne, weight loss resistance, hormonal imbalances, mood and energy


Waking up with clear skin knowing that you don’t have to fear when the next breakout is going to happen.

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing your skin glow!

Having pain free periods and no PMS symptoms . Knowing exactly what is happening to your hormones each week of your cycle and eating/working out according to your hormone levels.

More confidence and
excitement for life



Once you’ve signed up, you'll be immediately given access to complete your intake forms + start your Acne Solution Modules.

Within 4 business days your Functional Lab test kit + our welcome guide with directions will be mailed to your address.

Time to Test

Once you receive your test kit + welcome guide, please scan the QR code for video instructions on how to take your hair sample and mailing instructions.

Please mail out your test kit with tracking so you have proof of delivery.

Analysis & Protocol

Results are available in your client portal between 30-40 business days from the time your hair sample arrives to the lab.

Your personalized analysis and protocol will be available for you to review and you will receive a msg in your Practice Better app.

Now that you have the answers it’s time to start implementing and making the changes for clear skin and happy hormones!

Our Clients Transformation

The Acne Solution Guide

  • Module 1: Understanding HTMA Testing: A Key to Unlocking Your Acne Mysteries

  • Module 2: Introduction to Acne: Understanding the Basics and Its Types

  • Module 3: Skin Types and Acne: Tailoring Your Approach for Effective Treatment

  • Module 4: Hormones and Acne: Navigating the Complex Relationship

  • Module 5: Daily Skincare Routine for Acne-Prone Skin: Essentials for Clearer, Healthier Skin

  • Module 6: Choosing the Right Skincare Products: Navigating Labels and Ingredients for Healthy Skin

  • Module 7: Diet and Lifestyle: The Impact on Acne Management

  • Module 8: Stress Management and Acne: Finding Balance for Healthier Skin

  • Module 9: Makeup for Acne-Prone Skin: Tips for a Clearer Complexion

  • Module 10: The Benefits of Exercise for Skin Health

  • Module 11: Myths and Facts about Acne: Separating Truth from Fiction

  • Module 12: The Importance of Hydration for Skin Health

  • Module 13: Acne and Sensitive Skin: Navigating the Delicate Balance

  • Module 14: 15-Day Clear Acne Challenge

  • Module 15: Skin Health Affirmations

✓ BONUS #1:
Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

Cycle syncing is a holistic approach to health and wellness that aligns various aspects of a women’s life with their menstrual cycle. It recognizes that a women’s body and hormone levels go through distinct phases during their menstrual cycle, and it seeks to optimize well-being by tailoring activities, nutrition, and self-care practices to these phases.

You'll receive our Cycle Syncing Guide + Recipes to follow to learn how to optimize your nutrition, workout and activities to balance your hormones.

✓ BONUS #2: Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce your toxic load

Detoxing is essential to balancing hormones and an important lifestyle change is to swap your home and personal products to non-toxic. According to the Environmental Working Group, women use an average of 12 products a day, containing 168 different chemicals!

Our Clients Transformation


Waking up with clear skin knowing that you don’t have to fear when the next breakout is going to happen.

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing your skin glow!

Having pain free periods and no PMS symptoms . Knowing exactly what is happening to your hormones each week of your cycle and eating/working out according to your hormone levels.

Letting go of that stubborn weight that has been impacting your confidence and energy!


Victoria - Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Victoria Franca, FDN-P and Founder of Omne Wellness helps committed women discover a proven solution to eliminate hormonal symptoms and reclaim optimal health, all without the need for invasive procedures, unrealistic fad diets, or overwhelming supplement regimens.

Balance your Hormones for clear skin, more energy, weight loss and overall vitality

Minerals influence hormonal imbalance impacting your body on a cellular level leaving you with symptoms of
acne, inflammation,
weight-loss resistance, bloating, fatigue,
stress, anxiety and more!




Why Hair Test vs Blood Test

For one, blood shows just a snapshot of what’s happening right now. And what shows in the blood can shift even day-to-day based on stress, diet, sleep, exercise, and more. Blood is simply not an accurate way to look at mineral levels over time, especially because the body works to maintain homeostasis (balance) and therefore, will pull minerals from the cells in order to keep levels adequate in the blood. Blood is always balancing itself, even at the expense of the cellular reserves!

Who Benefits from a Hair Mineral Analysis?

Women struggling with any symptoms related to hormone imbalance, gut issues, fertility concerns, unknown mineral imbalances and deficiencies, those exposed to heavy metals, those with metabolic dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction, or thyroid dysfunction. Those who are in the preconception phase, pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding. Those coming off of hormonal birth control, or those who are currently on it, those dealing with acne or other skin conditions. Basically—EVERYONE can benefit from an HTMA.

How long do I have access to the modules + client portal?

Lifetime access which allows you to revisit at any phase of your life! For any specific login questions please email

Is my protocol tailored to my results?

Your protocol is specific to your test results. It will be broken down into lifestyle recommendations addressing: Stress management, Diet (you’ll receive a grocery list), recommended workout based on your stress levels, detox support + personalized supplementation (at additional cost but tailored to your results)

Can I speak to someone after I receive my results?

Yes - you can book an additional consultation call with our team after your results have arrived.


Our programs are the most comprehensive, step-by-step program for healthy women who are committed to getting their hormones right once and for all. 

We often get the question of “what if my results come back normal and don’t show any imbalances?”

We get it - because so many times you’ve done blood work and been told that “everything is normal” when you don’t feel normal.

For this specific reason - our commitment to you is that if your results come back and there are no mineral imbalances (meaning that your levels are within clinical range)
we guarantee full money back.

It's that simple. 

But trust us when we say, this is unlike ANY other test and you’re going to be surprisingly shocked to learn SO much about your body and put into action what your body needs to truly heal.