The reset your body needs to balance your hormones for clear skin, weight loss, energy and vitality.

It all begins with Body Reset

Get Your Hormones
Right once and for all…

Discover a proven solution for committed women to eliminate Hormonal Symptoms and regain optimal health - without invasive procedures, unrealistic fad diets, or overwhelming supplement regimens.

Balance your Hormones for clear skin, weight loss,
more energy & vitality!

This Is Right For You If You…

  • Hormonal Imbalances

    Having symptoms such as acne, weight-loss resistance, anxiety, bloating, fatigue, stress, overwhelm? These are all associated with hormonal imbalance

  • You Want Answers

    You are tired of guessing about your health and you are feeling stuck. You're now looking for a data driven approach to understand your body and a plan to know exactly what to do to heal

  • You're tired of being told "everything is fine"

    You’ve gone to several traditional doctors and professionals and have received no personalized care. You’re tired of feeling like you’re not being listened to and being told that you’re fine - when you DON’T feel fine.

Minerals influence hormonal imbalance impacting your body on a cellular level leaving you with symptoms of
slow metabolism, inflammation, acne,
weight-loss resistance, bloating, fatigue,
stress, anxiety and more!

Say Goodbye to Acne

YouTuber and Content Creator Dani Smith did this exact program to heal her acne from the root cause.

Dani came to us with concerns that her acne would clear up naturally and we showed her how POSSIBLE it is to have clear skin by addressing hormonal imbalances.

Say Goodbye to
Weight Resistance

Maria Baab, our Mineral Specialist and Health Coach went through this exact program!

She balanced her hormones and released the stuck energy her body was holding onto once she knew exactly what her body needed to heal.

The same data driven protocol that was available to her - is available to you!

What Your Test Results Will Show

  • Metabolic Type

    Are you a slow or fast metabolizer? Your metabolic type is a big factor in how you feel and your energy levels. Hair Mineral Analysis can see very precisely what metabolic type you are currently which helps us understand how to help you lose weight + detox (say goodbye to acne once and for all!)

  • Carbohydrate Tolerance

    How well your body is currently handling sugar and carbohydrates plays a big role in many factors. Ensuring you are properly balancing your blood sugar levels is critical for keeping healthy and energetic.

    Blood Sugar imbalance also causes increase in stress and inflammation (hello stubborn fat + cystic acne)

  • Adrenal & Thyroid Health

    Feeling burnout? Tired? Wired but can’t sleep? Most people today have some degree of adrenal ‘fatigue’. Because the thyroid & adrenal gland work in unison often the thyroid health is also poor. Another key factor inhibiting weight loss + hair growth + skin health

  • Stages of Stress

    Are you in the exhaustion or the resistance stage of stress? A body that cannot self regulate from stress is a body that is slow to healing. This is a key factor into why your hormonal symptoms don’t seem to improve. Learn what’s causing the stress internally and ways to support external stressor as well

  • Liver/Detox Function

    Evaluation of the liver's ability to detoxify the body. This is incredibly important to support if you struggle with estrogen dominance + acne!

  • Toxic Metal Accumulation

    Toxic metal are in all of our products, food ingredients and water. These toxins act as xenoestrogen - a compound that mimics our Estrogen levels and creates hormonal havoc. Using a hair mineral analysis test is one of the best ways of taking a look at a person’s toxic metal load on the body and how it can be contributing to acne, weight loss resistance, hormonal imbalances, mood and energy



A mineral analysis test kit
with our most trusted lab in the USA

Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey

1x 20 minute call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

✓ Thriving Hormones Course: 10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources valued at $500

✓ BONUS #1: Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

✓ BONUS #2: Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce your toxic load


Module 1: Mindset

Learn to get clear on your why and setting clear expectations for yourself and your health.

When it comes to our health, sometimes we get stuck on some beliefs that we need to let go of… like:

“My period won’t ever be pain free”

“My skin will never be clear, or my hair won’t ever be healthy”

“My energy won’t ever be the same”

“My cycle won’t ever be regular unless I am on birth control”

In this module we will dive into that so you work through those limiting beliefs, set clear expectations and speak life into your health!

Module 4: All about our cycle - how to track your cycle and understand what is happening with your body during each phase!

Going to be sharing with you different methods to track your period and what happens during each phase so you can understand why you’re tired, bloated, have more acne, and are more sensitive during certain times of the month!

If your cycle is irregular right now - don’t worry I will be talking about that also!

Module 7: How your environment plays a role in your hormonal health.

We will talk about toxicity and how that creates more stress on your body and mimics estrogen! We do not need added estrogen in the body than what we already produce naturally!

You’ll learn what to look out for in your environment, from your skincare to cleaning products and more. Your environment plays a big role in your hormones so this is critical to support your hormones!

Module 2: Stress Management

We will look into additional stressors that are impacting your hormones and how to identify them in your day to day!

Of course we all have stress. I don't remember a day without it, but did you know that too much stress can actually keep your hormones out of whack which leads to imbalance levels of progesterone and estrogen, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, low libido and even breakouts!

In this module, we will identify what stress can stay and what stress is throwing your hormones off ...and exactly what to do about it! This is one of the biggest misconceptions about balancing our hormones but it is CRITICAL to get under control!

Module 5: Cycle Syncing - how proper nutrition and movement support your hormones.

Did you know that each week of the month there are specific ingredients, movements and activities you can do to support your hormones? 

This allows your body to be fully prepared during your current phase but also for the next phase so you don’t experience those symptoms of PMS, painful periods, bloating, and up and down moods!

Module 8: Impact of Birth control on the body 

Are you on birth control or have been off of it for years but never felt back to your “normal self”? We will dive in so can you understand what birth control actually does to the body and how it impacts your body.

If you’re planning to come off of it - you’ll learn how to do that in a safe way that your body will be prepared for!

Module 3: Understanding Hormones

As women we often just know about our sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone but theres SO much more to it!

We’re going to dive into so you can understand the function of each of them and how it’s impacting the way you feel. 

This module will allow you to see the beauty of your body and how truly interconnected everything is. Once you are in tune with your body, you learn to listen to the signals it’s giving you and your body thrives!


Module 6: Superfoods and supplements that can help optimize your hormones health.

Nutrition plays a big part of our hormones and in this module I will be teaching you about key superfoods that are needed to support your hormones. 

You’ll learn how to use food and specific supplements to support your hormones and how to structure your plate for a nourishing meal that your hormones will love!

Module 9: How to support your liver for a safe and gentle detox

Our liver plays a big role in our hormonal health and one of its many responsibilities is to remove used estrogen from your body. If your liver is not supported, it will cause estrogen to be re-absorbed which leads to becoming estrogen dominant. 

In this module you will learn how to support your liver so it can naturally detox which supports your clearer skin, weight loss and hormonal balance .

✓ BONUS #1:
Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

✓ BONUS #2: Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce your toxic load

Detoxing is essential to balancing hormones and an important lifestyle change is to swap your home and personal products to non-toxic. According to the Environmental Working Group, women use an average of 12 products a day, containing 168 different chemicals!

Cycle syncing is a holistic approach to health and wellness that aligns various aspects of a women’s life with their menstrual cycle. It recognizes that a women’s body and hormone levels go through distinct phases during their menstrual cycle, and it seeks to optimize well-being by tailoring activities, nutrition, and self-care practices to these phases.

You'll receive our Cycle Syncing Guide + Recipes to follow to learn how to optimize your nutrition, workout and activities to balance your hormones.

Our Clients Transformation

“I’ve met Victoria at my work (at the salon) while I was working. Somehow I’ve shared with her what kind on issues I’ve been having with my health and skin not knowing at the time what is her profession. It was just meant to be. It is my honor to write this testimonial about her. She is absolutely THE BEST! She helped me with clearing up my skin, I’ve had so many problems with Digesting the food and I was bloated all the time and my hormones were all over the place . We’ve done the tests and she knew exactly what is the problem. She was checking in with me almost every week and supporting me through the process. I can’t explain how grateful I am for her. After taking the medications she recommended that were specifically made for my body and my needs she also recommended what type of food should I eat that would help the process. This is the best decision I made to work with her . .”

— Jelena J.

“So grateful that you are helping me truly feel better and feel… normal. It’s amazing how we can let things slip within our body and justify it to be “normal” because we just get “used to it but it’s really not how God designed us and you are helping me become the best version of Gods design.”

—Alex J.

“Victoria has my full recommendation. She is incredible and doesn't miss a beat. I struggled with extreme bloating and she's the only person who helped me get to the root cause of it. She aligned my hormones so much that I got pregnant on my first try and have had a beautiful pregnancy so far. Omne Wellness is the best investment I've ever made for my health!”
— Gabrielle L.

Working with Victoria from Omne Wellness has been such a life changing experience! I was so lost in the start of my journey of clearing my acne naturally and balancing my hormones, until I found her! Not only has my lifestyle shifted, but my mind set has also changed for the better. I cannot express how thankful and grateful I am to work with Victoria. This was the best investment I’ve ever made for my health and wellness. Victoria is the best!

— Angelina R.


After this service is purchased, you'll be immediately given access to complete your intake forms + Thriving Hormones Modules.

Within 3 business days your Functional Lab test kit + our welcome guide with directions will be mailed to your address.


Results are available in your client portal between 30-40 business days from the time your hair sample arrives to the lab.

Once your analysis and protocol are available in your client portal, you will receive a form to submit for any follow up questions and link to book your 20 minute consultation with our health coach. Your questions will be answered during the call to ensure you have everything you need to put your protocol into action!

Analysis & Protocol

Once you receive your test kit + welcome guide, please scan the QR code for video instructions on how to take your hair sample and mailing instructions.

Please mail out your test kit with tracking so you have proof of delivery.

Time to Test


Waking up with clear skin knowing that you don’t have to fear when the next breakout is going to happen.

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing your skin glow!

Having pain free periods and no PMS symptoms . Knowing exactly what is happening to your hormones each week of your cycle and eating/working out according to your hormone levels.

Letting go of that stubborn weight that has been impacting your confidence and energy!

Don't Miss This Chance

Don't Miss This Chance

Don't Miss This Chance Don't Miss This Chance


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load



    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Two payments of $444 (charged automatically)


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Three payments of $296 (charged automatically each month)


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus 1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Four Payments of $222 (charged automatically each month)

Victoria Franca, FDN-P and Founder of Omne Wellness helps committed women discover a proven solution to eliminate hormonal symptoms and reclaim optimal health, all without the need for invasive procedures, unrealistic fad diets, or overwhelming supplement regimens.

Balance your Hormones for clear skin, more energy, weight loss and overall vitality


Victoria - Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Sarah - Health Coach

Sarah is a Certified Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Health Coach with
Omne Wellness.

Sarah is a dedicated and compassionate lifestyle coach and personal trainer on a mission to empower women to lead healthier, happier lives through positive lifestyle changes. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges women face in today's fast-paced world, Sarah offers guidance, support, and expertise to help women make sustainable choices that promote well-being.

Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sarah enjoys an active lifestyle with her family.
She has discovered her life's passion through sports and weightlifting and finds joy in connecting with others on their health and wellness journey.

Book a Call with our Team


Why Hair Test vs Blood Test

For one, blood shows just a snapshot of what’s happening right now. And what shows in the blood can shift even day-to-day based on stress, diet, sleep, exercise, and more. Blood is simply not an accurate way to look at mineral levels over time, especially because the body works to maintain homeostasis (balance) and therefore, will pull minerals from the cells in order to keep levels adequate in the blood. Blood is always balancing itself, even at the expense of the cellular reserves!

Who Benefits from a Hair Mineral Analysis?

Women struggling with any symptoms related to hormone imbalance, gut issues, fertility concerns, unknown mineral imbalances and deficiencies, those exposed to heavy metals, those with metabolic dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction, or thyroid dysfunction. Those who are in the preconception phase, pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding. Those coming off of hormonal birth control, or those who are currently on it, those dealing with acne or other skin conditions. Basically—EVERYONE can benefit from an HTMA.

How long do I have access to Thriving Hormones Course + client portal?

Lifetime access which allows you to revisit at any phase of your life! For any specific login questions please email

Is my protocol tailored to my results?

Your protocol is specific to your test results. It will be broken down into lifestyle recommendations addressing: Stress management, Diet (you’ll receive a grocery list), recommended workout based on your stress levels, detox support + personalized supplementation (at additional cost but tailored to your results)

Can I speak to someone after I receive my results?

Yes - there is a 20 minutes follow up call available to anyone that purchases Body Reset. Your results and analysis will be sent via the client portal and you will receive a link to submit your questions + book your follow up call with our Health Coach.

Minerals influence hormonal imbalance impacting your body on a cellular level leaving you with symptoms of
slow metabolism, inflammation, acne,
weight-loss resistance, bloating, fatigue,
stress, anxiety and more!

Body Reset

Body Reset

Body Reset Body Reset


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load



    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Two payments of $444 (charged automatically)


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Three payments of $296 (charged automatically each month)


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus 1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Four Payments of $222 (charged automatically each month)


Body Reset is the most comprehensive, step-by-step program for healthy women who are committed to getting their hormones right once and for all. 

We often get the question of “what if my results come back normal and don’t show any imbalances?”

We get it - because so many times you’ve done blood work and been told that “everything is normal” when you don’t feel normal.

For this specific reason - our commitment to you is that if your results come back and there are no mineral imbalances (meaning that your levels are within clinical range)
we guarantee full money back.

It's that simple. 

But trust us when we say, this is unlike ANY other test and you’re going to be surprisingly shocked to learn SO much about your body and put into action what your body needs to truly heal.



    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load



    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Two payments of $444 (charged automatically)


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus #1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Three payments of $296 (charged automatically each month)


    ✓ 1X Mineral Test Kit
    A mineral analysis test kit with our most trusted lab in the USA sent to your house directly

    ✓ 1x Result Analysis and Interpretation
    PDF Result Analysis explaining in depth what is happening to your body and why your symptoms are showing up

    ✓ 1x Personalized Protocol
    Protocol with the exact recommendations to support your healing journey (groceries, recipes, supplementation and lifestyle recommendation) all tailored to your results

    ✓ Call with Health Coach
    1x 20 minute zoom call with an Omne Wellness Health Coach to answer any questions about your results and protocol 

    ✓ Thriving Hormones Course
    10 Modules of pre-recorded lessons and resources
    valued at $500

    ✓ Bonus 1 :
    Cycle Syncing Guide and Recipes

    ✓ Bonus #2:
    Non Toxic Brand Guide to Swap your products to reduce
    your toxic load

    Four Payments of $222 (charged automatically each month)